Emotional Resilience Mentoring
What is Mentoring?​
You are supported with 4 – 12 sessions of Emotional Resilience (EmRes) Mentoring. ​
This is focussed support, tailored around your needs and your own identified triggers to suicidal distress.
Mentoring helps you by re-building your ability to overcome what life throws at you, and help you to identify the issues leading up to you attempting suicide, as well as the immediate triggers which ‘pushed you over the edge of despair’. ​
The mentor will help you to find the things within yourself, and within your life, which make things better AND worse for you, and help you develop plans and ways of surviving these. More than this, they will help you see that you are good enough and you deserve better, even when life feels overwhelming and awful. ​
Mentoring helps you by re-building your ability to overcome what life throws at you, and help you to identify the issues leading up to you attempting suicide, as well as the immediate triggers which ‘pushed you over the edge of despair’.
They will help you to find the things within yourself, and within your life, which make things better AND worse for you, and help you develop plans and ways of surviving these. More than this they will help you see that you are good enough and you deserve better, even when life feels overwhelming and awful.
It is important that you work with the mentor in order to develop your coping mechanisms and a safety plan in place for times you feel suicidal in future.
Each EmRes mentor is a highly skilled, qualified counsellor, drawing on these skills, but not EmRes Mentoring is different from counselling.
The EmRes Mentoring programme has been designed for this purpose by the IMP;ACT Team – creating an ‘off the rack’ approach to support. For example the mentor can access appropriate, tailored resources around conversation skills or social isolation to guide individuals to improve these. ​
Your IMP;ACT Mentor will discuss with your IMP;ACT Co-ordinator the best way they can support you. The Mentor will only share information that can help the Co-ordinator build an action, safety and life plan to help you manage your emotions, relationships and any obstacles you might be encountering in your life.